

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社新德里7月19日消息,印度政府一位知情人士周三表示,印度政府已经批准国有油气勘探商印度油气公司(ONGC)购买其在国有炼油商印度斯坦石油公司(HPCL)所持有51.1%股权的计划,因为印度政府寻求建立一家大型的综合性石油公司。
印度财政部长Arun Jaitley今年2月份宣布ONGC将通过合并其它国有公司的方式组建一家巨大的国家石油公司。ONGC董事长Dinesh K. Sarraf告诉路透社:“协同作用的效益将是巨大的。”
据路透社计算,按当前的市场价格,政府所持有HPCL 51.1%的股权价值约46.5亿美元。据ONGC网站显示,今年三月底,ONGC持有的现金等价物和银行存款约为20亿美元。
Sarraf 表示,ONGC还没有起草针对此次收购的出资计划。
知情人士表示,收购完成后,ONGC旗下炼油子公司芒格洛尔炼化公司将与HPCL进行合并。 唐绍红 摘译自 路透社 原文如下: India allows ONGC to buy out government stake in refiner HPCL India has approved explorer Oil and Natural Gas Corp’s plan to buy its 51.1% stake in state-refiner Hindustan Petroleum Corp , a government source said on Wednesday, as New Delhi seeks to create a large integrated oil firm. India has about a dozen state-owned oil and gas companies, with significant overlaps in operations. Alone they do not have the financial power to rival global oil majors in bids for overseas exploration and production assets. India, the world’s third-biggest oil consumer, imports about 80% of its crude needs and Prime Minister Narendra Modi has set a target to cut dependence on oil imports by 10% by 2020. The proceeds from the HPCL stake sale will also help the federal government pay for welfare programmes. Asia’s third-largest economy aims to raise $11.24 B through government stake sales in various companies. Indian finance minister Arun Jaitley announced in February the plan to form a giant national oil company by combining other state-owned firms. “The benefits of synergy would be huge,” ONGC Chairman Dinesh K. Sarraf told Reuters. “Today crude prices are down, so ONGC’s profitability is down while gross refining margins and marketing margins of refiners are up so it makes a lot of sense for ONGC to make this acquisition,” Sarraf said. At current market prices, the government’s 51.1% stake in HPCL is worth about $4.65 B, according to Reuters calculations. At the end of March, state-run ONGC, the country’s top explorer, had cash equivalents and bank balances of about $2 B, the company’s website showed. Sarraf said ONGC had yet to draw up a funding plan for the acquisition. At a later date ONGC’s refining subsidiary Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals will be merged with HPCL, the government source said.  
