中国石化新闻网讯 据阿塞拜疆Trend通讯社7月15日巴库报道,法国驻阿塞拜疆大使奥里莉娅·布歇在法国国庆日活动中表示,法国道达尔公司不久将在阿塞拜疆的阿布歇隆大气田实施首次钻井。 早些时候,阿塞拜疆国家石油公司(SOCAR)和道达尔公司签署了关于阿布歇隆大气田第一阶段开发主要合同和商业原则的框架协议。 阿布歇隆大气田第一阶段开发设想在450米深的海域中钻探一口气井。这口气井的天然气年产量将达到15亿立方米,这些天然气产量将用于阿塞拜疆国内市场。第一阶段开发估计需要大约10亿美元的投资。 根据SOCAR地质学家的估计,阿布歇隆大气田估计拥有3500亿立方米天然气和4500万吨凝析油储量。 这个项目的主要参与者分别是道达尔公司(拥有40%股份/下同)、SOCAR(40%)和法国Engie(20%)。 李峻 编译自 阿塞拜疆Trend通讯社 原文如下: Total to perform first drilling in Azerbaijan’s Absheron field soon France’s TOTAL company will perform first drilling in Azerbaijan’s Absheron field soon, said France’s ambassador to Azerbaijan Aurelia Bouchez during the event dedicated to the French National Day, Bastille Day. Earlier, SOCAR and TOTAL signed a framework agreement on the main contractual and commercial principles regulating the program of the first phase of Absheron field’s development. The first phase of the field’s development envisages drilling of one well at a sea depth of 450 meters. The production will stand at up to 1.5 billion cubic meters of gas per year and these volumes will be used in Azerbaijan’s domestic market. The approximate cost of the first phase is estimated at $1 billion. Absheron’s reserves are estimated at 350 billion cubic meters of gas and 45 million tons of condensate, according to the estimations of SOCAR geologists. Participants of the Absheron project are SOCAR (40 percent), and French companies TOTAL (40 percent) and Engie (20 percent).