中国石化新闻网讯 据油气在线华盛顿7月13日消息,美国内政部7月12日表示,美国海洋能源管理局(BOEM)已经有条件地批准了意大利跨国油气公司埃尼旗下子公司埃尼美国运营公司提交的波弗特海勘探计划。埃尼美国运营公司将在12月开始在阿拉斯加州先前存在的Spy岛钻井位置的联邦淹没土地中钻取四口勘探井。 BOEM代理局长Walter B. Cruickshank表示:“埃尼公司的计划非常详实,并经过了仔细考虑。” 庞晓华 摘译自 油气在线 原文如下: BOEM approves Eni’s Beaufort Sea exploration plan The US Bureau of Ocean Energy Management conditionally approved a Beaufort Sea exploration plan it received from Eni US Operating Co., a subsidiary of Italian multinational oil and gas company Eni SPA, for the drilling of four exploration wells in federal submerged lands from its preexisting Spy Island drill site in Alaskan state waters starting in December, the US Department of the Interior agency said on July 12. “Eni brought to us a solid, well-considered plan,” said Walter B. Cruickshank, BOEM acting director.