

中国石化新闻网讯 据油气在线休斯敦7月13日消息,一个以埃克森美孚公司主导的财团和挪威国家石油公司Statoil已经被选择分别运营苏里南的两个海洋区块。 埃克森美孚勘探和开采苏里南公司与合作伙伴挪国油以及赫氏公司已经与苏里南国有Staatsolie Maatschappij Suriname NV签署了面积达11500平方公里的深水59号区块的产量分成合同,其中埃克森美孚将成为作业者。 59号区块位于距离苏里南首都帕拉马里博305公里的海洋,水深2000米至3600米。该区块位于与圭亚那的海洋边境上。 59号区块的合作伙伴正准备开始勘探活动,包括收购和分析地震勘测数据。埃克森美孚、赫氏公司和挪国油各持有该区块三分之一的股权。 挪国油另外与Staatsolie签署了面积达6200平方公里的60号区块的产量分成合同。该区块距海岸线250公里,水深为800米至1900米,临近于苏里南54号区块,在54号区块中,挪国油已经持有50%的权益,图洛石油是该区块的作业者。 庞晓华 摘译自 油气在线 原文如下: ExxonMobil, Statoil to operate blocks off Suriname An ExxonMobil Corp.-led group and Statoil ASA have been chosen to respectively operate two blocks offshore Suriname. ExxonMobil Exploration & Production Suriname BV, along with partners Statoil and Hess Corp., have signed a production-sharing contract with Suriname’s state-owned Staatsolie Maatschappij Suriname NV for the 11,500-sq-km deepwater Block 59. ExxonMobil will serve as operator. Block 59 is 305 km offshore Paramaribo in 2,000-3,600 m of water. It shares a maritime border with Guyana. Block 59 partners are preparing to begin exploration activities, including acquisition and analysis of seismic data. ExxonMobil, Hess, and Statoil each hold a third of the block’s interest. Statoil separately signed a PSC with Staatsolie for the 6,200-sq-km Block 60. It lies 250 km offshore in 800-1,900 m of water and is next to Suriname’s Block 54, where Statoil already has 50% interest and Tullow Oil PLC is operator.  
