

中国石化新闻网讯 据《海湾能源新闻》7月14日巴黎报道,国际能源署(IEA)周四预测,受印度、美国和德国石油消费增长的推动,今年全球石油需求将略高于预期。 IEA在其最新月度石油市场报告中写道:“由于第二季度需求初步数据呈现意外强劲,因此,IEA把今年全球石油产品日需求增长的估计数上调到了140万桶。” IEA在报告中说,在第一季度“异常低迷的”石油需求增长之后,第二季度“出现了戏剧性的加速。这是由于印度石油需求的预期增加以及美国和德国石油需求的一些令人惊讶的增加。” IEA说,总而言之,今年全球石油日需求预计将达到9800万桶,而明年将以同样的速度增加,达到9940万桶。 报告说,为了减少石油过剩和提振油价,欧佩克成员国同意从今年年初开始减产,以俄罗斯为首的非欧佩克产油国也同意同时减产。但一些观察人士认为,市场所谓的“再平衡”和由此导致的油价上涨需要太长时间才能实现。 国际能源署呼吁保持耐心。 李峻 编译自 海湾能源新闻 原文如下: IEA raises forecast for global oil demand this year Global demand for oil will be slightly higher than expected this year, driven by increased consumption in India, the US and Germany, the International Energy Agency (IEA) predicted Thursday. “Estimates of global oil product demand growth in 2017 have been revised up … to 1.4 million barrels per day, on surprisingly robust preliminary second quarter demand numbers,” the IEA wrote in its latest monthly oil market report. After “lacklustre” oil demand growth in the first quarter, “there was a dramatic acceleration” in the second quarter, “due to a combination of expected increases in India, and some surprise additions in the US and Germany,” it said. In total, global oil demand was projected to reach 98 million barrels per day this year. And it was set to increase at around the same pace again next year to 99.4 million barrels per day, the IEA said. In a bid to reduce the glut of oil and shore up prices, Opec countries agreed to cut production from the start of the year, with non-cartel producers led by Russia partially matching the cuts. But some observers feel that the so-called “rebalancing” of the market and the resulting rise in prices is taking too long to materialise. The IEA called for patience.  
