

中国石化新闻网讯 据《油气杂志》7月14日休斯敦报道,尽管在用石油钻机数增加,然而,美国在用钻机总数本周未能记录到过去3周内的第二次增加。导致美国钻井活动下降的主要原因是几天前美国能源信息署(EIA)由于原油价格最近下跌略微下调了美国2018年原油产量预测。 贝克休斯14日公布的统计数据显示,在一周前增加了12部在用钻机以后,美国在用钻机总数在7月14日结束的那周里没有变化仍维持在952部。上周在用石油钻机数增加了两部,总数达到了765部,在过去26周内连续第25周增加。 自2015年5月20日至27日的钻井低谷以来,美国在用钻机总数增加到了548部,达到了2015年4月17日以来的最高点。本周是反弹开始以来第7次没有记录到增加。 EIA在7月份短期能源展望报告中把今年美国石油日产量维持在930万桶,但该机构把美国明年原油日产量预测下调了10万桶至990万桶,但这仍将是美国历史上最高的年度平均水平。1970年的纪录是每天960万桶。 李峻 编译自 油气杂志 原文如下: Baker Hughes: Overall US rig count unchanged, but oil rigs up 2 The overall US rig count failed to record an increase this week for the second time in 3 weeks as oil-directed rigs edged up. The drop in activity comes just a few days after the US Energy Information Administration slightly lowered its crude oil production forecast for 2018 given the recent decline in crude prices. Baker Hughes’ tally of active rigs sat unchanged at 952 during the week ended July 14 after posting a 12-unit gain a week ago. Oil-directed rigs climbed—albeit barely—for the 25th time in the past 26 weeks, rising 2 units to 765. The overall count remains up 548 units since the bottom of the drilling downturn on May 20-27, 2016, and at its highest point since Apr. 17, 2015. This week marked just the seventh time it hasn’t recorded an increase since the rebound began. EIA in its July Short-Term Energy Outlook maintains US output this year will average 9.3 million b/d, but the agency reduced its forecast for US crude production in 2018 by 100,000 b/d to 9.9 million b/d, which would still be the highest annual average in US history. The record is 9.6 million b/d in 1970.
