中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯7月14日消息,随着更多的国家旨在提高天然气在整体能源构成中的比重,越来越多的分析师预测未来LNG需求将逐步抢占原油的市场份额。总部设在香港的国泰君安石化研究负责人Grace Liu表示:“这种情况在中国已经在发生,很多重型车辆正在转向使用天然气作为燃料。”今年上半年中国的天然气进口量增长了16%。 唐绍红 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: Will Natural Gas Undermine Oil-Demand Growth? As more countries aim to increase the ratio of natural gas in their total energy mix, more analysts are taking the views that LNG demand could cut into future crude-oil usage. “It is already happening in China, where lots of the heavy-duty vehicles are switching to natural gas,” notes Grace Liu, head of petrochemical research at Hong Kong-based brokerage Guotai Junan. China’s natural-gas imports rose 16% in 1H.