

中国石化新闻网讯 据《油气杂志》7月12日休斯敦报道,荷兰Gasunie液化天然气控股公司、欧德油储有限公司和荷兰孚宝液化天然气控股公司日前获准按照欧盟合并规则组建一个合资公司在德国北部建造、拥有和运营一个200万至300万吨/年液化天然气(LNG)进口终端。这个LNG进口终端将是德国第一个LNG进口终端。 这三家公司时下正在调查在靠近汉堡市的易北河沿岸的布伦特斯比特尔建造和运营一个多元服务液化天然气终端(包括进口和小规模服务)的可能性。 德国现在可以从比利时的年输出量为90亿立方米的Zeebrugge LNG终端或者从Gasunie和孚宝公司在荷兰拥有的年输出量为120亿立方米的Gate LNG终端接收LNG。 可行性研究包括经济、技术、航海和监管评估,以及审批程序。目前还没有做出任何投资决定。 李峻 编译自 油气杂志 原文如下: Gasunie, Oiltanking, Vopak study building Germany’s first LNG import terminal Gasunie LNG Holding BV, Oiltanking GMBH, and Vopak LNG Holding BV have received approval under the European Union Merger Regulation to establish a joint venture for owning and operating a 2-3 million tonne/year LNG terminal in northern Germany. The import terminal would be Germany’s first. The three companies are investigating the possibility of building and operating a multiservice LNG terminal (including import and small-scale services) at Brunsbüttel along the Elbe River close to the city of Hamburg. Germany can now receive regasified LNG from either Fluxys’ Zeebrugge LNG terminal in Belgium, with 9-billion cu m/year sendout capacity, or the 12-billion cm/year sendout Gate LNG terminal owned by Gasunie and Vopak in the Netherlands. The feasibility study consists of economic, technical, nautical, and regulatory assessments, as well as the permitting procedures. No investment decisions have been taken yet.  
