

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社7月12日尼科西亚报道,塞浦路斯能源部12日在尼科西亚说,由法国道达尔公司和意大利埃尼公司租借的《西卡贝拉号》钻井船周三进入了钻井现场开始在塞浦路斯海上勘探天然气。 这项作为道达尔公司和塞浦路斯之间合同义务的钻井工作是在重新统一这个分裂岛国的谈判破裂以后开始的。 塞浦路斯能源部在一份声明中说,Onesiphoros West-1井的钻井作业估计将在大约75天内完成。井位所处区块距离埃尼公司在2015年在埃及海上获得的一个巨大天然气发现祖尔大气田大约6公里。 塞浦路斯能源部说,钻井预计将达到平均海平面以下大约4.25公里的最大深度或海底以下1.6公里的深度。 李峻 编译自 路透社 原文如下: Total To Drill For Gas Off Cyprus Despite Collapse Of Peace Talks
The ‘West Capella’ drilling vessel contracted by France’s Total and Italy’s ENI moved into position to start exploring for gas off Cyprus on Wednesday, the island’s energy ministry said.
The drilling work, which is a contractual obligation between Total and Cyprus, comes days after the acrimonious collapse of talks to reunify the divided island nation.
The ‘Onesiphoros West 1’ well is estimated to be completed within approximately 75 days, Cyprus’s energy ministry said in a statement.
The block lies about 6 km away from Zohr, a massive offshore Egyptian gas find made by ENI in 2015.
The drilling is expected to reach a maximum depth of around 4.25 kilometres (2.6 miles) below mean sea level, or 1.6 kilometres beneath the sea bed, the energy ministry said.
