中国石化新闻网讯 据哈萨克斯坦通讯社KazTAG 7月10日阿拉木图报道,哈萨克斯坦能源部长哈纳特·波兹姆巴耶夫表示,该国主张稳步退出欧佩克(冻产)协议,并在1-2个月内增加产量。
波兹姆巴耶夫在话中表示哈萨克斯坦履行了石油减产,并期望哈萨克斯坦能够充分履行石油减产协议。他对协议成效和油价上涨感到满意,认为年底油价将上升至50美元/桶左右。 詹乐乾 摘译自KazTAG 原文如下: Kazakhstan advocates smooth withdrawal from OPEC deal Almaty. July 10. KazTAG – Kazakhstan advocates smooth withdrawal from OPEC deal increasing oil production within one-two months, said Kanat Bozumbayev, Minister of Energy.
“It is the first option,” said K. Bozumbayev answering the question if Kazakhstan advocates gradual withdrawal from OPEC deal within several months and production increase.
The Minister said Astana has not decided on its position concerning extension of the deal.
“It is a question of November,” he said.
As it was reported, next OPEC summit will take place in November.
K. Bozumbayev said Kazakhstan will overfulfill its plan this year and produce more than 81 mln tons of oil.
“The annual plan was 81 mln tons, but I think it will be higher,” he said.
In his words, the state performs oil production cut. He expressed hope that Kazakhstan will perform the agreement on oil production cut to the full. The Minister said he is satisfied with the effect of the agreement and increase of oil price, which in his opinion will make about $50 per barrel by the end of the year.