

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社7月7日汉堡报道,俄罗斯总统普京周五(7日)在德国汉堡表示,俄罗斯计划继续与其他国家合作来协调全球能源市场以及减少价格波动。 欧佩克和以俄罗斯为首的其他产油国同意从今年1月起每天削减大约180万桶石油产量来控制库存和支持油价。这项减产协议如今已被延长到明年3月底。 普京是在汉堡举行的金砖国家非正式会议上发表上述讲话的。他还说,莫斯科把巴黎气候变化协议视作长期合作的基础。 俄罗斯签署了巴黎气候协议,但迄今还没有批准这项协议。 李峻 编译自 路透社 原文如下: Russia To Keep Cooperating With Others To Harmonize Energy Markets President Vladimir Putin said on Friday that Russia planned to keep cooperating with other countries to harmonize global energy markets and reduce price volatility. The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and other producers led by Russia agreed to cut oil production by almost 1.8 million barrels per day (bpd) from January this year to rein in inventories and support prices. The deal runs to March 2018. Putin, speaking at an informal meeting of BRICS nations in Hamburg where a Group of 20 summit is underway, also said that Moscow viewed the Paris climate change agreement as a basis for long-term cooperation. Russia has signed the Paris climate pact, but has not ratified it yet.  
