

中国石化新闻网讯 据WENews网站7月7日伦敦报道,波兰总统安杰伊·杜达6日在华沙会见了来访的美国总统唐纳德·特朗普以后在记者招待会上说,波兰预计将与美国签署一项长期的液化天然气(LNG)供应协议来减少本国对俄罗斯天然气的依赖。 根据一项与俄罗斯能源巨头俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司签署的将在2022年期满的长期协议,波兰每年从俄罗斯进口国内消费的160亿立方米天然气中的大部分天然气。 华沙计划在随后通过一条拟建的管道从挪威获得天然气供应以及在其位于波罗的海的终端获得更多来自美国的LNG以后取代俄罗斯天然气。 波兰总统杜达在会谈中向特朗普总统谈了波兰的安全和天然气供应。 李峻 编译自 WENews.com 原文如下: Poland Expects Long Term LNG Deal with U.S. Poland expects to sign a long-term deal for liquefied natural gas (LNGLF) (LNG) supplies from the U.S. to reduce its reliance on Russian gas, the country’s President Andrzej Duda said after meeting U.S. president Donald Trump.
Poland imports most of the 16 billion cubic metres of gas it consumes a year from Russia, on the basis of a long-term deal with Gazprom which expires in 2022. Warsaw plans to replace the Russian gas after then with supplies from Norway via a planned pipeline as well as with more LNG from the U.S. coming to its terminal at the Baltic Sea. Duda spoke to Trump, who is visiting Warsaw, about Poland’s security and gas supplies.  
