

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社7月4日阿布贾报道,尼日利亚国家石油公司(尼国油/NNPC)4日在一份声明中说,一直在设法减少高开支的NNPC在过去的一年里通过重新谈判其上游服务合同节省了20亿美元的开支。 NNPC时下正在尝试重振本国经济依赖的石油工业。尼日利亚政府大约三分之二的收入依赖石油工业。 去年武装分子袭击石油设施导致了尼日利亚原油产量大幅减少了三分之一,从而把该国经济推入到了25年来的首次衰退。 NNPC主管巴鲁在声明中说:“在上游领域,削减成本和提高效率是我们将要重视的关键问题。” 巴鲁说,NNPC还将把石油生产的成本从每桶27美元削减到22美元。 李峻 编译自 路透社 原文如下: Nigerian State Oil Firm Says Saved $2B With Cheaper Contracts Nigeria’s state oil company has saved $2 billion in the past year by renegotiating its upstream servicing contracts, it said in a statement on Tuesday, as it tries to reduce high overheads. The Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) is attempting to revive the oil industry on which the country’s economy depends, and which the government relies on for roughly two-thirds of its revenue. Militant attacks on oil facilities last year cut production by as much as a third, helping push the economy into its first recession in a quarter of a century. “For the upstream, cost reduction and efficiency are key features that we will pay attention to,” said Maikanti Baru, who heads the NNPC, in the statement. The company has also cut operating costs for oil production to $22 a barrel from $27 per barrel, Baru said.  
