中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯7月3日布宜诺斯艾利斯报道,阿根廷国家石油公司(YPF)3日在布宜诺斯艾利斯说,该公司计划在2018年至2027年的10年时间里向本国南部丘布特省的油气勘探和生产活动投资12多亿美元。常规油气储量在丘布特省正在成熟。 YPF在周末发表的一份声明中说,重点将是使用二次和三次采油技术来维持常规储量的产量,而用今明两年将钻取的6口井来扩大勘探。 YPF目前在丘布特省——阿根廷石油产量最多的省——运营着4部钻机、10部修井机以及7部起油管机。根据能源部统计数据,丘布特省原油产量占到阿根廷50万桶日产量的27%(主要是重油,其中大约三分之一出口)以及天然气产量占到阿根廷1.22亿立方米日产量的7.4%。 YPF的油气产量分别占到阿根廷油气总产量的45%和三分之一。 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: Argentina’s YPF to invest $1.2 billion in Chubut through 2027 Argentina’s state-run energy company YPF said it plans to invest more than $1.2 billion in 2018-2027 in oil and natural gas exploration and production activities in the southern province of Chubut, where conventional reserves are maturing, the company said.
The focus will be on using secondary and tertiary recovery techniques to maintain production from its conventional reserves, while widening exploration with six wells to be drilled between this year and next, YPF said in a statement over the weekend.
YPF is operating four drilling rigs, 10 workover rigs and seven pulling rigs in Chubut, the most productive province for oil in Argentina.
Chubut produces 27% of the country’s 500,000 b/d of crude, mostly a heavy variety of which about a third is exported, and 7.4% of its 122 million cu m/d of gas, according to Energy Ministry data.
YPF produces 45% of the country’s oil and a third of its gas.