中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯里约热内卢7月3日消息,巴西能矿部的一位官员表示,巴西政府希望明年开启一个试验项目以开发非常规油气储藏,该项目或将位于巴伊亚,这是巴西扩大陆地油气产量所作出的一系列努力的一部分。 与美国和邻国阿根廷相比,巴西这个拉美最大的国家在开发非常规油气资源如页岩油和致密油气构造方面远远落后。但这个落后主要是自身造成的,因为政府和监管部门在对当前的开发政策方面提出的批评和诉讼应对缓慢。 据里约热内卢的联邦大学能源经济学院的研究报告称,巴西可能拥有高达250万亿立方英尺的非常规天然气资源和54亿桶的非常规石油资源。 唐绍红摘译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: Brazil plans to test unconventional oil, natural gas production in 2018 Brazil’s government wants to start up a pilot project tapping unconventional oil and natural gas reservoirs next year, likely in the state of Bahia, as part of broader efforts to expand onshore output, a Mines and Energy Ministry official said. Latin America’s biggest country is well behind the curve in development of unconventional resources such as shale and tight oil and gas formations when compared with the US and neighboring Argentina. But much of the damage has been self-inflicted, with the government and regulators slow to respond to criticisms and lawsuits against current development policies. Brazil could hold as much as 250 Tcf of gas and 5.4 billion barrels of oil in unconventional deposits, according to a study by the Energy Economics Institute at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.