中国石化新闻网讯 据阿塞拜疆Trend通讯社7月1日德黑兰报道,与去年同期相比,伊朗今年前4个月出口土耳其的天然气大幅增加了14.1%至32.28亿立方米。 土耳其能源市场监管局的统计数据显示,伊朗4月份出口土耳其的天然气数量比去年同期大幅增加了24.5%,达到了大约8.11亿立方米。 根据国际仲裁法庭的裁决,自今年1月份以来,伊朗免费向土耳其提供天然气来偿还其拖欠土耳其19亿美元的债务。 去年,伊朗向土耳其出口了77亿立方米的天然气。今年3月份,土耳其总天然气进口量(包括液化天然气)中的17.46%来自伊朗。 李峻 编译自 阿塞拜疆Trend通讯社 原文如下: Iran’s gas export to Turkey up 14% Iran increased gas delivery to Turkey by 14.1 percent to 3.228 billion cubic meters (bcm) in four months of 2017, compared to the same period in 2016. Iran’s gas deliveries to Turkey in April reached about 811 million cubic meters (mcm), 24.5 percent more than in April 2016, the statistics of Turkey’s Energy Market Regulatory Authority indicate. Since January 2017, Iran delivers gas to Turkey free of charge to pay off its $1.9 billion debt to Turkey, based on the International Court of Arbitration’s verdict. Iran exported 7.7 bcm of gas to Turkey in 2016. Iran had 17.46 percent share in Turkey’s total gas imports (including LNG) in March 2017.