

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯7月3日休斯敦报道,韩国的两个最大能源公司配合韩国新当选总统文在寅周五在华盛顿拜会美国特朗普总统引人注目地加大了他们在美国天然气和液化天然气领域的投资。 韩国天然气公司(Kogas)上周与美国的几个液化天然气(LNG)出口商签署了谅解备忘录,其中包括私营公司和国有阿拉斯加管线开发公司,而韩国另外一家大型能源公司SK集团与美国勘探和生产公司大陆资源公司和美国通用电气公司麾下的能源公司签署了谅解备忘录来共同开发美国上游领域的页岩气储量。 总部设在达拉斯的美国能源传输公司(Energy Transfer)周四在一份声明中说,韩国最大天然气买家Kogas已与在路易斯安那州开发查尔斯湖LNG项目的公司美国能源传输公司和壳牌公司的子公司英国天然气公司(BG)签署了谅解备忘录来对共同参与开发这个设施一事进行可行性研究。 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: South Korea ramps up natural gas, LNG investment in US In conjunction with the recently elected South Korean president’s visit with President Donald Trump in Washington on Friday, two of that nation’s largest energy companies have dramatically ramped up their investment in the US natural gas and LNG sectors.
Korea Gas last week signed several memoranda of understanding with US-based LNG exporters, including private companies and the state-owned Alaska Gasline Development Corporation, while another large Korean energy company, SK Group, inked MOUs with exploration-and-production companies Continental Resources and GE Energy to jointly develop shale gas reserves in the US upstream.
Kogas, Korea’s largest gas buyer, signed an MOU with Dallas-based Energy Transfer and Royal Dutch Shell unit BG, developers of the Lake Charles LNG project in Louisiana, to study the feasibility of jointly participating in the development of the facility, Energy Transfer said in a statement Thursday.  
