

中国石化新闻网讯 据法新社7月2日消息,伊朗石油部周日表示,法国能源巨头道达尔将与其签署一份48亿美元协议,用以发展伊朗海上天然气田,这是伊朗自经济制裁解除后获得的金额最大的国际协议。
道达尔原计划于本年更早时候签署协议,但首席执行官帕特里克·波漾2月曾表示,需要进一步观察美国总统唐纳德·特朗普是否会对伊朗重新施加制裁。 运行周期为20年的南帕尔斯气田11期项目最终每日将为该国电网提供5090万立方米天然气。
伊朗石油部为改善落后的能源基础设施,花大力气吸引吸引西方投资与技术,这份协议的签署是招商战略的一次突破性进展。 詹乐乾 摘译自法新社 原文如下:
Total to sign $4.8 bn gas deal with Iran French energy giant Total is to sign a $4.8 billion agreement to develop an Iranian offshore gas field, the oil ministry said Sunday, in the biggest foreign deal since sanctions were eased.
“The international agreement for the development of phase 11 of South Pars will be signed on Monday in the presence of the oil ministry and managers of Total, the Chinese company CNPC and Iranian company Petropars,” a ministry spokesman told AFP.
Total signed a preliminary deal with Iran in November as the lead partner alongside China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) and Iran’s Petropars.
The French company will operate the site with a 50.1 percent stake in the $4.8 billion project.
CNPC will own 30 percent and Petropars 19.9 percent.
The French firm was initially due to sign the contract in early 2017, but CEO Patrick Pouyanne said in February that it would wait to see whether the US adminstration of President Donald Trump reimposed sanctions on Iran.
The 20-year phase 11 project will eventually pump 50.9 million cubic metres of gas per day into Iran’s national grid.
It marks a breakthrough in the oil ministry’s efforts to attract Western investment and know-how to improve its outdated energy infrastructure. ____________________________________
