

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社新德里6月30日消息,贸易人士周五表示,印度最大的炼油商印度石油公司(IOC)正在新加坡设立一个办事处,该办事处将在今年晚些时候开始负责原油的采购和来自于IOC炼油厂的油品销售业务。 IOC加入到了亚洲已经在新加坡石油中心设立办事处的炼油商行列,近年来为了更好地接近市场并对市场的变化作出快速的反应,越来越多的亚洲炼油商在新加坡设立了办事处。 知情人士称,IOC新加坡办事处将被命名为IOCL 新加坡,最初将有两名人员为其炼油厂处理一些原油采购事宜。 唐绍红 摘译自 路透社 原文如下: India’s largest refiner IOC setting up Singapore oil unit India’s largest refiner Indian Oil Corp is setting up an office in Singapore that will handle crude oil purchases and the sales of oil products from its refineries later this year, trade sources said on Friday. The state-run company is part of a growing group of refiners in Asia that have set up offices in Singapore’s oil hub to keep closer tabs on the market and react more quickly to changes. IOCL Singapore—as the Singapore unit will be named—will initially have two staff to handle some of the crude purchases for its refineries, said the sources.  
