

中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯6月30日消息,受全球原油供应过剩将花费更长的时间进行消化的影响,各大投行已经连续第二个月下调了对油价的预测。《华尔街日报》6月份对14家投行的调查结果显示,这14家投行对今年布伦特原油的价格预测平均为55美元/桶,比5月份的调查下调2美元/桶,对美国西得克萨斯中质(WTI)原油今年的价格预测平均为52美元/桶,比5月份下调2美元/桶。对于2018年布伦特原油的价格预测平均为57美元/桶,下调2美元/桶,对WTI原油的价格预测平均为55美元/桶,下调3美元/桶。 唐绍红 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: Banks Cut Oil Forecasts For Second Month Running Big banks cut their oil price forecasts for a second month in a row amid signs that the global crude glut would take longer to abate. A poll of 14 investment banks, surveyed by The Wall Street Journal in June, predicted Brent would average $55 a barrel this year, down two dollars from the May survey. WTI is seen averaging $52 a barrel this year, also down two dollars. Next year, banks see Brent averaging $57 a barrel, down two dollars, and WTI to averaging $55 a barrel, down three dollars.  
