

中国石化新闻网讯 据《世界石油新闻》6月27日奥斯陆报道,德西尼布FMC日前从挪威国家石油公司获准延长其时下在挪威北海实施的工程、采购和施工(EPC)合同。 德西尼布FMC时下正在实施的EPC合同覆盖提供包括模板结构、管汇和两个海底采油树在内的水下设备。海底采油树包括井口以及对Visund Nord IOR项目控制系统的修改。 延长挪威北海EPC合同包括安装模板结构和管汇以及交付和安装出油管短管和控制管缆。 这个项目将作为一个综合工程、采购、施工和安装(iEPCI)项目来执行。 李峻 编译自 世界石油新闻 原文如下: Statoil awards EPC contract extention to TechnipFMC TechnipFMC has been awarded an extension to its ongoing Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) contract from Statoil in the Norwegian North Sea. The ongoing EPC project covers the provision of subsea equipment including template structure, manifold and two subsea trees including wellheads and modifications of control systems to the Visund Nord IOR project, whereas the extension includes installation of the template structure and manifold as well as delivery and installation of flowline spool and umbilical. The project will be executed as an integrated Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Installation (iEPCI).
