

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯6月26日伦敦报道,德国天然气输送运营商Gascade的一名发言人周一在柏林说,Gascade已经取消了俄罗斯天然气进入德国位于与波兰接壤边境上的Mallnow的进口能力限制。 发言人说,由于进入输送系统的天然气质量“不符合我们的标准”,Gascade从上周五到本周一在Mallnow把俄罗斯天然气进口能力削减了40%。 但是Gascade的一名发言人周一对标普全球普氏能源资讯记者说,这些限制从周一早上起已被取消。 根据普氏能源资讯分析机构Eclipse能源公司的统计数据,周一进入德国Mallnow的俄罗斯天然气数量已增加到7700万立方米,接近进口能力限制实施前的平均数。 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: Germany lifts final restriction on Russian natural gas entry at Mallnow German transmission operator Gascade has lifted the import capacity restriction for Russian natural gas entering the country at Mallnow on the border with Poland, a company spokesman said Monday.
Gascade had cut import capacity at Mallnow by 40% from Friday to Monday because the quality of the gas in the system was “not within our specifications.” But a spokesman for Gascade told S&P Global Platts on Monday: “The restrictions have been removed since this morning.” In addition, nominations for gas to flow into Germany at Mallnow for Monday have been increased to 77 million cu m, according to Platts Analytics’ Eclipse Energy, close to the average from before the restrictions were put in place.  
