

中国石化新闻网讯 据TABNinfo网站6月26日伦敦报道,意大利能源巨头埃尼公司和伊朗国家石油公司(NIOC)周二(20日)签署了一项旨在对开发伊朗一个油田和一个气田进行可行性研究的谅解备忘录。 伊朗石油部的官方网站Shana报道说,双方是在德黑兰签署这项研究协议的,根据协议,双方将共同对基什气田和位于伊朗南部的达尔霍温油田第三期开发进行可行性研究。 根据协议,埃尼公司有6个月的时间来提交其研究结果。 伊朗石油部的一名官员本月早些时候曾说,埃尼公司还对伊朗南部阿扎代干大油田开发的招标感兴趣。 李峻 编译自 TABNinfo.com 原文如下: Italy’s Eni, Iran Sign Agreement For Oil And Gas Field Studies Italian energy company Eni and National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) signed a memorandum of understanding on Tuesday for feasibility studies on the development of an oil field and a gas field. The Iranian oil ministry’s official website SHANA reported that the agreement was signed in Tehran for studies on the Kish gas field and the third phase of the Darkhovin oil field in southern Iran. Eni has six months to present the results of its studies. An Iranian oil official said this month that Eni was also interested in the tender for development of the Azadegan oil field in southern Iran.
