

中国石化新闻网讯 据世界石油在线莫斯科6月26日消息,自2016年10月开始商业化生产以来,卢克石油公司在亚马尔-涅涅茨自治区的Pyakyakhinskoye石油和天然气凝析油田的石油产量已经超过了100万吨。 该油田生产的天然气产量已经超过13亿立方米。该油田当前处于生产状态的有57口油井和25口天然气井。每一口油井平均每天的产量超过70吨,天然气井的平均产量为30万立方米。该油田当前的日均石油和天然气凝析油产量超过4000吨。 庞晓华 摘译自 世界石油在线 原文如下: Lukoil produces 1 million tonnes of oil at Pyakyakhinskoye field, Western Siberia Lukoil’s accumulated oil production at Pyakyakhinskoye oil and gas condensate field in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District has exceeded 1 million tonnes since the start of commercial production in October 2016. The accumulated production of gas has exceeded 1.3 Bcm. The operating wellstock of the field is 57 oil and 25 gas wells. The average daily flowrate of one oil well exceeds 70 tonnes, and of one gas well – 300,000 cubic meters. The daily production from the field currently exceeds 4,000 tonnes of oil and gas condensate.  
