

中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯6月27日消息,道达尔石化炼油美国公司报告蒸汽不足导致其位于得克萨斯州阿瑟港炼油厂出现废气排放。 该炼油厂在向得克萨斯州环境质量委员会提交的一份声明中称,突如其来的雷暴造成系统蒸汽不足,因此导致废气被导入燃烧塔燃烧。该声明指出此次废气排放事件发生于周日晚间,持续了数小时。 声明还表示,操作部门立即进行了紧急蒸汽泄放,以减少和停止所有废气燃烧。 道达尔公司这座设计加工量为22.5万桶/天的炼油厂坐落于休斯顿以东。 庞晓华 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: Total Reports Steam Issue, Flaring at Port Arthur, Texas, Refinery Total Petrochemicals & Refining USA reported a shortage in steam that led to emissions at its refinery in Port Arthur, Texas. “A sudden thunderstorm caused a shortage in steam and as a result flaring occurred,” the refinery said in a statement to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, noting the emissions happened late Sunday evening and lasted a couple hours. “Operations immediately implemented emergency steam shedding in order to reduce and cease all flaring,” it added. The 225,000-barrel-a-day refinery lies east of Houston.
