

中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯6月27日消息,摩根士丹利指出,今年前五个月美国本土48个州的降水量创下自1998年以来最高水平,这令美国汽油需求受到冲击。尽管美国政府预计夏季降水量将接近历史平均水平,驾车出行水平更加正常,但热带风暴辛迪造成的残留效应可能会对近期的驾车出行活动带来压力。与此同时,4月份最新联邦数据显示,美国驾车者行驶里程数同比增长1.2%,略高于3月份0.8%的增幅。直至近期放缓的驾车活动情况多次显示,美国行驶里程数或增长3-4%。摩根士丹利预计,5月份行驶里程数据也将受到天气带来的不利影响。此外摩根士丹利还表示,燃油效率改善仍将继续对汽油需求造成冲击。美国能源部门暗示,尽管行驶里程数继续增长,但是美国汽油需求下降2%。 唐绍红 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: Prolonged Rain Douses US Gasoline Demand US gasoline demand been dampened by the rainiest first 5 months of a year since 1998 in the lower 48, notes Morgan Stanley. Even though the government anticipates summer precipitation to be closer to average, resulting in more-normal driving levels, the residual effects of Tropical Storm Cindy are liable to pressure activity near-term. That as fresh federal data for April show miles driven rose 1.2% from a year earlier, up slightly from March’s 0.8%. Activity until the recent slowdown had been repeatedly showing miles-driven growth of 3-4%. Morgan Stanley is expecting May’s data to also be weather-depressed. Meanwhile, gasoline demand continues to be hit by improved fuel efficiency, the bank adds. US gasoline demand indicated by the Energy Department shows a 2% decline despite miles driven continuing to rise.  
