Brasília – A Câmara dos Deputados instalou ontem (16) a comissão especial responsável por analisar o projeto de lei do senador José Serra (PSDB-SP) que propõe retirar a obrigatoriedade da Petrobras ser operadora na exploração dos campos de petróleo do pré-sal.O texto, que foi aprovado pelo Senado em 24 de fevereiro, propõe que a estatal possa escolher abrir mão dos 30% de participação nos consórcios de exploração do pré-sal que está obrigada a assumir conforme a lei atual.Saiba Mais Senado aprova projeto que elimina obrigação da Petrobras de explorar o pré-sal A comissão da Câmara será presidida pelo deputado Lelo Coimbra (PMDB-ES), que elogiou o projeto e já havia apresentado, em março de 2015, outra proposta, com o objetivo de alterar das regras do pré-sal. Este projeto de lei, e mais dois outros que tramitavam na Câmara, foram apensados ao texto enviado pelo Senado, para análise.O deputado José Carlos Aleluia (DEM-BA) foi eleito relator da comissão especial. A mesa é composta ainda pelo primeiro vice-presidente Max Filho (PSDB-ES), o segundo, Carlos Zarattini (PT-SP), e o terceiro Jose Stédile (PSB-RS). O projeto terá tramitação prioritária e a próxima reunião foi marcada para terça-feira (22).A proposta que começa agora a ser analisada pelos deputados é um substitutivo ao projeto original apresentado por Serra, que propunha a retirada total da prioridade da Petrobras na exploração do pré-sal.Pelo texto que foi aprovado no Senado, fica a cargo do Conselho Nacional de Política Energética, oferecer à Petrobras a exploração mínima de 30% em cada campo e a empresa se manifestará se aceita ou não a responsabilidade.”Os projetos que foram apresentados aqui estão impregnados de ideologia”, disse o deputado Glauber Braga (PSOL-RJ), um dos integrantes da comissão. “Espero que haja discussão de verdade.”
据报道称,受低油价和高负债率的影响,巴油未来五年的投资将被削减至800亿美元,即平均每年的投资额仅为160亿美元。此外,可以预见在新的未来五年发展规划中巴油还将对盐下层油田的开发计划进行相应调整。据巴油的合作伙伴Galp石油公司透露,可以确定Sépia, Lula Oeste 和 Atapu Norte盐下层油田的开发计划都将被推迟。
Brazilian state-run player Petrobras is reportedly planning to cut 15% of its staff “through a voluntary programme”.Petrobras is expected to lay off up to 12,000 workers with the new programme, according to reports from local newspaper Estado de S Paulo.The company is due to make the announcement and inform its staff by mid-year along with its business plan for 2016-2020, reports said, citing unnamed sources.No details were given on how the “voluntary programme” would be implemented, or how or why Petrobras staff would take part in it.Petrobras was not immediately available to comment on the report.Earlier this month, it was reported that the company is also cutting its five-year investment plan by about a fifth next month due to the challenges of low oil prices, its debt load and its ability to fund offshore projects.Reports said Petrobras’ capital spending programme will fall to about $80 billion in the 2016-20 period, an average of about $16 billion a year.In recent years, Petrobras has been caught in the middle of the country’s massive anti-corruption investigation, which has so far seen dozens of industry contractors, executives, politicians and political parties arrested, including Brazil’s former president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.
P-48 FPSO因火灾事故被关停
近日,巴西国家石油公司(Petrobras)在一份声明中证实,在Campos盆地Barracuda-Caratinga油田作业的P-48 FPSO的第四个顶部模块于巴西时间3月17日13点起火,该FPSO随即被紧急关停,所幸事故并未造成任何人员伤亡。目前巴油和Sindipetro-NF工人联盟正在对此事故进行联合调查,该FPSO何时恢复生产尚不确定。
Brazilian giant Petrobras has halted production at its P-48 floating production, storage and offloading vessel after a fire that was put out earlier on Thursday.Petrobras confirmed in a statement that the fire reported by the Sindipetro-NF workers union had been extinguished. The fire, which started in Module 4 of the facility, began at about 1 pm local time.There were no injuries reported.The FPSO is located in the in the Barracuda-Caratinga field in the Campos basin.Petrobras said later on Thursday that production had been fully shut in. There was no immediate timeline for it ro restart.The union said it would participate in an investigation of the incident.
Parque das Conchas进入第三开发阶段
据悉,壳牌石油公司位于巴西的Parque das Conchas项目目前已进入了第三开发阶段。第三阶段的开发包括五口生产井和两口注水井,由Espirito Santo FPSO进行作业,该FPSO可日产10万桶原油和5000万立方英尺天然气。壳牌公司表示Parque das Conchas项目第三阶段的开发产能约为20,000boed,低于公司此前预计的28,000 boed。
Parques das Conchas位于Campos盆地,距离海岸150公里,水深1780米,壳牌作为作业者持有其50%的股权,QPI公司和ONGC公司则分别持有其23%和27%的股权。
Anglo-Dutch supermajor Shell has started oil production at the third and final phase of the Parque das Conchas development off Brazil.The latest phase at the BC-10 deep-water development in the Campos basin is set to add up to 20,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day to production from a number of fields at the development.This is below the peak production of 28,000 boepd that Shell had earmarked to come from the third phase.The latest phase sees output from the Massa and Argonauta O-South fields delivered to the Espirito Santo floating production, storage and offloading unit. The floater has capacity of 100,000 barrels per day of oil and 50 million cubic feet per day of gas.Phase three comprises five producing wells and two water injectors.Parque das Conchas sits in 1780 metres of water and is operated by Shell on 50%. In early 2014 the supermajor sold a 23% stake to Qatar Petroleum International (QPI) for $1 billion.India’s Oil & Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) holds the remaining 27% in the project that is situated around 150 kilometres from shore.
QGEP公司原计划于今年第三季度使用Petrojarl 1 FPSO对Atlanta油田进行早期生产测试,该FPSO目前正在荷兰的Schiedam船厂进行改装。然而,QGEP公司总经理Lincoln Guardado于上周表示,由于Petrojarl 1 FPSO项目延误,Atlanta油田的早期生产将被推迟至今年第四季度。据Guardado称,预计Petrojarl 1 FPSO将从Atlanta油田的两口生产井中日产2万桶原油,低于公司此前预计的25,000bpd。QGEP公司正在考虑在Atlanta油田钻第三口井,但要视国际油价的涨势而定。由于Atlanta项目的推迟,QGEP公司将今年的投资额从原先的1.3亿美元下调至了8200万美元。
QGEP公司作为Atlanta油田的作业者拥有其30%的股权,Barra Energia公司和OGPar公司则分别拥有其30%和40%的股权。
Oil price blamed for delay as independent reduces output estimate and defers decision to drill third well until market improvesBRAZILIAN independent Queiroz Galvao Exploration & Production (QGEP) has postponed the start of the early production system planned for its Atlanta field by several months.The company has also reduced its average daily output estimate as it battles the effects of the oil price slump.QGEP originally planned to begin production at Atlanta in the third quarter of 2016 with the Petrojarl 1 floating production, storage and offloading vessel, which has been undergoing conversion at the Schiedam yard in the Netherlands.However, QGEP chief executive Lincoln Guardado said in a conference call last week that first oil is now expected in the fourth quarter due to delays in the adaptation of the floater’s processing plant.“We have faced significant challenges to implement the early production system at Atlanta, and the current Brent price poses another challenge for its development,” said Guardado.QGEP now predicts Atlanta will flow at rates of 20,000 barrels per day of oil from two wells, versus an initial projection of 25,000 bpd.QGEP may still opt to drill a third development well to produce from Atlanta, but Guardado said that will depend on market conditions.“If we drill a third well, then production will rise to about 30,000 bpd. We estimate the cost of drilling a third well at approximately $50 million, but we will only make a decision to drill if Brent prices recover,” said Guardado.“It’s hard to give an exact figure, but in order for us to drill a third well, Brent prices need to be at a level that would result in an economic return of our investment in a period of up to a year.”Guardado added that at some point in the second half of 2017, when the early production system is fully operational, QGEP will decide on the drilling programme.Operational costs at Atlanta are estimated at $480,000 per day, not including the payment of oil royalties, but QGEP is in negotiations with its suppliers about a reduction.QGEP previously warned that it needed oil to stay above $60 per barrel for the Atlanta field to turn a profit, as heavy crude from the Santos basin development will be sold for a discount of between $18 and $20 to Brent prices.“We expect to start generating enough cash flow to match our opex sometime in 2017, when the market expects Brent prices to recover from its current levels,” Guardado said, confirming that commercial output from Atlanta is eyed for late 2019.QGEP also disclosed that partner OGPar, which is under financial pressure, recently missed a cash call worth about 9 million reais ($2.45 million) to cover expenses at Atlanta. The payment was equally split by QGEP and Barra Energia.“We are currently discussing alternatives with OGPar to solve that matter and future investments in Atlanta,” said QGEP chief financial officer Paula Costa Corte-Real.QGEP operates Atlanta with a 30% stake. Barra Energia holds another 30% and OGPar owns the remaining 40%.QGEP also reported a net loss of 159 million reais in the fourth quarter of 2015, versus a net profit of 66 million reais in the same period a year ago. Net revenues increased 8.1% to 134 million reais.The company plans to invest $82 million this year and another $80 million in 2017.
- 李晓天
- 毕业于上海交大,后远赴巴西攻读海洋工程博士学位。长期从事巴西海洋油气市场的研究,并创办有《巴西海洋工程资讯》及SinoBrazilOffshore微信公众号。