
WellLife 是哈里伯顿公司研发出的高端有限元分析软件,该软件不仅可以建模研究单井生命周期内(钻井、试井、完井及生产阶段)压力与温度变化对水泥环周期应力变化的影响,还可以研究盐层对水泥浆固井体系的动态影响。
盐层拉力或挤压力的变化会导致水泥环所受载荷发生变化,哈里伯顿的WellLife 能够对这种情形进行了建模研究。固井失效建模包括几个方向:套管挤毁引起的居中度较差;盐层在钻井过程中的缩径、井壁垮塌;水泥环和盐层间形成的径向裂纹;盐层塑性流动对水泥环形成的剪切破坏。
WellLife 通过建模研究井深结构、地层物性以及单井长期井况来预测水泥环的稳固性,此外,软件通过模型分析能够得出水泥环在井下复杂应力环境下所必需的热学特性与机械性能,模型中所考虑的系列特性参数包括杨氏模量、泊松比、体积收缩率、热膨胀、抗压强度、抗拉强度、热导率和比热。
软件会以直方图的形式表示固井水泥浆体系所能承受的井下应力状态,同时也会显示水泥环发生应力失效前所能承受的应力余量。当水泥环失效风险较高时,WellLife 软件相关模块就会针对水泥浆体系的系列参量给出调整值,从而增加水泥环体系强度、降低失效风险。
SaltShield 能够适应一般岩盐环境和“侵略性”很强的光卤石、溢晶石环境。强侵略性的矿物盐一般都含有氯化镁组分,该成分在溶液中的移动速度比氯化钠要快100倍以上并可与水泥浆发生化学反应,影响泥浆体系的使用性能。该体系可以在盐层段达到很高的顶替效率,快速稳固井筒,抗压强度的快速变化使水泥浆侯凝时间最小化,膨胀性还能削弱盐层蠕变的消极影响。现场实践表明,SaltShield体系可以帮助运营商有效缩短非生产时间并降低盐层钻完井等施工环节的作业费用。
盐层的塑性流动对井筒完整性是巨大的威胁,会对水泥环、套管造成破坏。SaltShield 体系可使地层应力载荷分布更加均匀,从而防止发生套管变形或挤毁等作业事故。该体系在泥浆流动阶段(泵送顶替)和固化阶段(水泥环形态)都有着独特的属性,例如,即便在盐侵比例达到了12%的情况下,水泥浆体系流变学性能适应性微小变化也有助于有效提高顶替效率。
一旦停止泵送,该体系抗压强度就会迅速提高,从而有效承受盐层蠕变载荷,在SaltShield 的设计过程中会严格控制一些参量,其中包括失水量、水化过程中体积损失、抗压及抗拉强度、弹塑性等,从而使其能适应岩盐地层,避免失效事故发生。即便井下体系盐侵比例达到12%,水泥浆稠化时间也不会受到影响,最初与最终的抗拉、抗压强度也都可以满足固井施工要求,从而保障该体系可以迅速稳固套管与盐层,在套管与地层之间形成一个完整的水泥环,使套管负荷均布,消除点载荷与不均匀载荷对套管的损坏。
强“侵略性”矿物盐中的镁离子会溶解于水泥浆并发生化学反应导致体系促凝,从而降低顶替效率。SaltShield 与矿物盐接触时能够抑制化学反应的发生,抑制促凝现象,因而该新型体系在盐层“重灾区”(在巴西、西非以及北海深水开发区域,盐层厚度可达2000米)固井施工中可以达到理想的顶替效率。
- 当发生盐侵时(包括含有镁离子的强“侵略性”矿物盐所发生的盐侵),SaltShield体系可以减缓促凝现象的发生;
- 抗压强度的快速建立与早期静胶凝强度的发展有助于实现快速井筒稳定,还可以在套管与地层之间形成一个完整的水泥环,使套管负荷分布均布,消除盐层蠕变对套管的损坏;
- 该体系对任意浓度的盐溶液均具有兼容性,可以解决盐侵问题,抑制盐层溶解,维持盐层稳固;
- SaltShield体系的各项参数在盐侵前后保持稳定;
- 传统水泥浆体系在水化过程中体积会缩小0.5%~4%,但是SaltShield 体系在水化过程中会发生体积膨胀;石油圈原创www.oilsns.com
- 可以承受盐层塑性流动引起的载荷变化;
- 实验表明,SaltShield体系与碳酸经过长达一年的“接触”后,所形成的水泥环具有低渗透性,抗压强度依旧很大;
- SaltShield体系对盐溶腐蚀性和二氧化碳溶解流体具有抗性,可应用于盐层或盐下油气藏开发;
- 该体系所适应井底循环温度(BHCT)不可高于88℃,更高的温度下需要添加缓凝剂;
- 不会对污染周围环境。
来自/Halliburton 译者/姚园 编辑/Lemon Zhang
Salt-zone properties are widely variable in composition, aggression of attacks on wellbore fluids, plasticity and pressures, thicknesses and boundaries, solubility and contamination. As such, salt sections are particularly unpredictable, making them very challenging not only during drilling and cementing operations, but throughout the producing life of the well.
Salt zones are notorious for causing problems such as wash out from dissolution of salt into the cement slurry or casing collapse, making it difficult for operators to stay within the authorization for expenditure and avoid non-productive time. Unpredicted issues can range in costs from a few thousand dollars to multiple millions of dollars. This is particularly true in deepwater fields where these zones are known as pre-salt zones and where rig costs are high and materials more constrained. Reactive salts can gel conventional cement slurries during placement to the point of no longer being pumpable. Formation salts can dissolve into the slurry and adversely affect curing and/or weaken the formation.
Halliburton offers the SaltShieldSM cementing service, a combination of an advanced modeling tool for planning along with an advanced cement system.
Modeling Tools for Planning Salt Operations
Halliburton has developed an advanced finite element analysis (FEA) tool, WellLife® service. This tool models the cyclic stresses to the cement sheath induced by pressure and temperature changes throughout the life of the well. While modeling the cyclic stresses from planned operations during drilling, testing, completions and production operations, this tool can also account for the dynamic influence of the salt zone.
Halliburton’s modeling includes analysis of pressure-induced changes involving tensile and compressive forces from the salt zone. The cement failure phenomena that can be modeled include de-bonding from casing, de-bonding from the formation, radial cracking, and shear failure. The model simulates the well structure, properties of formation, and long-term critical well conditions
to predict the competence of a cement sheath. Going further, the model then generates thermal and mechanical properties required to survive downhole stress conditions. The properties estimated in the modeling include Young’s Modulus, Poisson’s Ratio, shrinkage, thermal expansion, compressive strength, tensile strength, thermal conductivity, and specific heat.
The ability to withstand the downhole stresses is presented via histograms. These charts show the percent of remaining capacity available before succumbing to stress-related cement failure phenomena. If the sheath is shown to have a high risk of failure, WellLife service has a powerful module that indicates modification to the various cement-property options for increased capacity and decreased failure risk.
Resilient Salt-zone Slurry
SaltShieldTM cement delivers properties that overcome simple salts like halite, and even the aggressive salts such as carnallite and tachyhydrite. The aggressive salts contain Magnesium Chloride, which can move at rates 100 times faster than Halite and could chemically react with cement. SaltShield cement can enable placement of full columns of cement across the salt zone, quickly stabilizing the wellbore, minimizing wait-on-cement time due to rapid compressive strength development, and expanding while curing to help mitigate effects of salt creep. SaltShield cement is field-proven to help operators more predictably mitigate the unexpected non-productive time and operational expenses from salt zone issues.
One unique threat to well integrity from salt zones is plastic flow. Plastic flow, or salt creep, can damage the cement sheath, the casing or both. SaltShield cement helps distribute the formation load more evenly to alleviate stress loading even the stress loading from aggressive salts, thus helping prevent casing deformation and/or casing collapse. This is accomplished with specific properties for both the slurry state (during placement) and the
set state (as a cement sheath). For instance, minimal changes in rheology, even after 12% salt contamination (by weight of water), helps facilitate full coverage and efficient displacement during pumping. Once pumping stops, this system quickly develops compressive strength, withstanding load from moving salt. It is designed with tight control of properties such as fluid loss, volume reduction during hydration, compressive and tensile strength, and elasticity, helping avoid compromise to the cement system as well as the salt formation. Even at 12% salt contamination, thickening time, as well as initial and final strength development are not compromised, which can enable this cement to quickly stabilize the casing and the formation, while reducing non-uniform load points that can cause casing failure.
SaltShield cement expands while curing. Conventional slurry systems shrink during hydration and can thus invite irregular stress loading that can then induce casing failure.
SaltShield cement withstands chemical effects when in contact with salts. Magnesium ions present in harsh salts can dissolve in slurry systems and the reaction results in gelation, which can impede pumping. This slurry system is resistant to gelation from salt contamination, helping facilitate successful slurry placement even across long and chemically-aggressive salt sections such as zones found in offshore Brazil, West Africa and the North sea presenting as much as 2000 meters of salt rock involving aggressive salts.
SaltShield cement also helps prevent formation weakening or washout from dissolution of formation salts. Early static gel strength development and shortened transition time to a set sheath helps minimize formation fluid influxes, particularly important when exiting the salt zone where the casing could be set in the pre-salt reservoir or zones with potential for fluid flow.
In corrosive environments, CO2 gas dissolves into formation fluids and forms carbonic acid. This acid can damage a conventional cement sheath with a reactive mechanism that lowers the mechanical properties and increases permeability of the cement sheath. SaltShield cement is resistant to CO2 for seamless use when the reservoir contains CO2 and is below the salt section, such as in Brazil and Angola.
- Helps mitigate gelation of cement slurry upon salt contamination, including aggressive salts containing magnesium chloride.
- Rapid compressive strength and early static gel strength development helps quickly stabilize the wellbore and facilitate further drilling while mitigating uneven point loading on casing that could otherwise cause collapse or failure due to salt creep.
- Compatibility with all concentrations of salt overcomes salt dissolution issues helping mitigate washouts or weakening of the salt formation.
- No significant variation in slurry properties before and after dissolution of formation salt in the slurry.
- Expands during hydration in contrast to conventional cement that shrinks 0.5% – 4%.
- Can withstand loads induced by plastic salt flow.
- Demonstrates low permeability and good compressive strength after one year of exposure to carbonic acid.
- Single system resistant to corrosive fluids from salt and CO2 for use across salt and reservoir section.
- Demonstrates low permeability and good compressive strength after extended exposure to carbonic acid.
- Can be used at bottomhole circulating temperatures (BHCTs) ranging from ambient to 190oF (88oC); higher temperatures would require a retarder in the slurry.
- Poses little or no risk to the environment (PLONOR).