中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯6月23日消息,韩国国家燃气公司(Kogas)已经确认公司首席执行长下周将随同韩国总统文在寅出访美国,届时韩国或将讨论购买更多的美国页岩气,因为特朗普政府当前正在日益抱怨逐步扩大的美国贸易赤字问题。韩国燃气公司是全球最大的液化天然气(LNG)企业买家,在五年前已经与得克萨斯的钱尼尔能源公司签署了长达20年的每年购买280万吨LNG的协议,并将从今年夏季开始履行协议。2016年韩国与美国的贸易盈余达到230亿美元。 庞晓华 摘译自 道琼斯
Korea Gas Indicates Possible Purchases of More US Shale Gas
State-run Korea Gas Corp. (036460.SE ), or Kogas, confirms its chief executive will accompany South Korean President Moon Jae-in to Washington next week, where more purchases of US shale gas by Seoul are likely to be discussed in the backdrop of the Trump administration’s growing complaints about a widening US trade deficit. Kogas, the world’s largest corporate buyer of liquefied natural gas, signed a deal 5 years ago with Texas-based Cheniere to import 2.8 million tons of LNG annually for 20 years starting this summer. South Korea posted a $23 billion surplus in trade with the US in 2016.