中国石化新闻网讯 据RZNews网站6月23日巴黎报道,法国新任能源部长尼古拉·于洛周五(23日)在巴黎证实法国将不会再颁发任何新的石油和天然气勘探许可证。
在马克龙在5月7日赢得总统大选以后,于洛在上个月被任命担任法国能源部长。 根据阿什尔斯能源与资源合作伙伴公司的米歇尔·勒基昂所说,马克龙的胜利预计将不会改组法国的油气部门。 勒基昂补充说,马克龙总统日前已明确表示他将维持目前对页岩气勘探和开发的禁令,而新一届政府也将不再颁发任何陆上或海上的油气勘探许可证。 李峻 编译自
French Energy Minister Confirms No New Permits for Exploration Friday, June 23, 2017 Paris
The French energy minister Nicolas Hulot confirmed Friday that there will be no new permits for oil and gas exploration in the country.
Hulot was appointed last month, following Emmanuel Macron’s French presidential election win on May 7.
Macron’s victory was not expected to shake up the country’s oil and gas sector according to Ashurst Energy & Resources Partner Michel Lequien.
President Macron has clearly indicated that he will maintain the current ban on shale gas exploration/exploitation and the new administration will also no longer award any hydrocarbon exploration permits, whether on-or-offshore, Lequien highlighted.