中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯6月22日消息,荷兰合作银行新兴市场货币策略师Piotr Matys表示,近来油价的下跌利好新兴市场大宗商品进口国,尤其是土耳其和波兰。他表示,油价的下跌增加了可支配收入,去年布伦特原油价格反弹对于土耳其家庭来说是一个主要的负担。今年以来布伦特油价已经下跌了约20%。
庞晓华 摘译自 道琼斯
Turkey, Poland to Benefit from Drop in Oil Prices
Recent declines in oil prices bode well for emerging-market commodity importers, particularly Turkey and Poland, according to Piotr Matys, emerging-market currency strategist at Rabobank. Lower oil prices increase disposable income, he says, noting the rebound in Brent crude last year was a major burden for Turkish households. Brent is off roughly 20% so far this year.