

中国石化新闻网讯 RZNews网站6月17日伦敦报道,根据英国石油和天然气管理局(OGA)日前发表的报告,去年英国大陆架的油气生产效率上升至73%,连续第四年上升。 去年英国大陆架油气生产效率上升标志着英国2016年比2015年多生产了1200万桶油当量的石油和天然气。
最近几年,英国大陆架生产效率和总产量不断下降的趋势得到了扭转。从2012年到2016年,损失减少了1.57亿桶油当量,而产量增加了3400万桶油当量。 李峻 编译自 RZNews.com
原文如下: Production Efficiency on UKCS Rises Again
RZNews.com June 17, 2017 London
Production efficiency on the UK Continental Shelf (UKCS) has risen for a fourth consecutive year to 73 percent, according to a new publication released by the Oil and Gas Authority (OGA).
The efficiency increase represents an additional production of 12 million barrels of oil equivalent compared to 2015.
Recent years have seen the UKCS reverse the declining trend in both production efficiency and overall production. From 2012 to 2016, losses have fallen by 157 million boe while production has risen by 34 million boe.
