

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯6月13日德州奥斯丁报道,总部位于特立尼达的天然气液化联合体大西洋液化天然气有限公司(大西洋LNG)周二在一份声明中说,该公司计划裁员7%来应对正在影响生产的大规模天然气供应短缺。
大西洋LNG说,该公司时下正面临其20年历史上最艰难时期。全球LNG价格仍处于低迷水平,与此同时,大西洋LNG继续遭受史无前列的天然气供应短缺。 大西洋LNG补充说,在过去两年里,严重的天然气供应短缺已导致设施利用率不到70%。 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯
原文如下: Atlantic LNG to cut staff to cope with gas supply shortfall
Austin, Texas (Platts)–13 Jun 2017
Trinidad-based gas liquefaction complex Atlantic LNG plans to cut its staff by 7% as it struggles to cope with massive gas shortages that are impacting production, the company said Tuesday in a statement.
The Point Fortin-based facility has been struggling for years with decreased production as a result of gas shortages, which it estimates are now 30% down from previous levels.
“Atlantic is facing the toughest period in its 20-year history,” the company said. “Global LNG prices remain at depressed levels and at the same time, Atlantic continues to suffer from unprecedented levels of gas supply shortfall.”
The company added: “Over the last two years, the severe gas supply shortages have resulted in facility utilization rates of less than 70%.”
