Jilin Petrochemical Company increased profit of 900 million yuan in the first two months of this year compared with that of last year
On March 10, achievements in the economic analysis of Jilin Petrochemical Company was so gratifying that profit of refining business reached 456 million yuan in the first two months of this year, increasing profit of 900 million yuan compared with that of last year.
As the Planning Department Director of Jilin Petrochemical Company, Qian Huibin said that the steady rate of device operation hit the best level of 99.98%, and cost of consumption quota reduced 25.43 million yuan by saving energy and reducing cost compared with that of last year in the first two months of this year, making it to be the most stable two months in recent years.
Meanwhile, profitability of downstream product improved as the utility system and power boiler constantly refreshed the record of operation and cost of steam and power continued to decline. A total of 617 indexes including integrated loss ratio of refining oil, energy cost of large ethylene and unit consumption of ABS raw material created or maintained the best record of the same period in history, creating profit of 36.74 million yuan.
- China Market