
The strength and conductivity of proppant packs are key parameters for assessing their performance. Mechanical damage of proppants usually is analyzed by crush tests. However, measurements from these tests remain questionable because of discrepancies in procedures and test results. This paper introduces a new technique based on interpretation of acoustic measurements to quantify mechanical damage in propping agents.
Mechanical damage that leads to compaction and crushing is studied for sands by measuring ultrasonic velocities. Elastic properties can be estimated from compressional- and shear-wave velocities calculated from acoustic measurements. The elastic properties of unconsolidated sands usually are studied by use of effective-medium models for granular media. Effective- medium-theory approaches such as the Hertz- Mindlin model are often used to derive the effective elastic moduli of packings of identical and spherical granular materials. This model combines the Hertzian contact model, which is used to estimate the normal (compressional) stiffness for two identical spheres, and the Mind-lin contact model, which is used to estimate the tangential (shear) stiffness of the spheres.
Work investigating the relationship between the ratio of compressional- to shear-wave velocities and pressure as a result of preconsolidation and sorting in unconsolidated sands showed that the Hertz-Mindlin model overestimated the shear moduli and underestimated the pressure dependence of the moduli and the velocities of the unconsolidated sands when compared with experimental data from ultrasonic measurements. The discrepancy was attributed to the inability of the model to account for rotation of grains and slip at their boundaries. The work applied a modified Hertz-Mindlin model, in which it is assumed that there is no friction between the grains (hence, the tangential stiffness is negligible), to obtain a reasonable match between the model and experimental results. The disparities were attributed to the angularity of the sand grains and the assumption of no slip at the grain contacts. The disparities were modified by introducing an average- angularity parameter and assuming slip at the grain contacts.
Previous publications documented applications of effective-medium models for assessment of elastic properties in rocks and unconsolidated sands. However, effective-medium models have not been applied in the assessment of elastic properties of proppant packs.
The work flow for this work included both experimental and analytical methods. For the experiments, uniaxial compression tests were designed and conducted for proppant packs. After unloading the samples from the compression tests, sieve analysis was conducted to measure the crush percentage in the proppant pack. In the analytical method, the Hertz-Mindlin model was used to estimate the effective elastic properties of the proppant pack. The model results were then compared with the experimental data, and pressure-dependent calibration parameters were introduced to obtain a good agreement between the model and the experimental data.
Experimental Method.
Uniaxial compression tests were conducted to investigate the sensitivity of acoustic measurements to mechanical damage in proppants. The tests were conducted on different sets of samples of the same type of proppant. For each test, 15 g of proppant was placed in a stainless-steel cylinder with an internal diameter of 25.4 mm. The proppants were tapped gently to obtain a flat surface at the top of the proppant pack. The same procedure and consistency were applied for sample preparation in all the cases, to ensure consistent initial porosity of the proppant pack. The initial porosity was calculated from the difference between proppant volume and the total volume occupied in the container. The loading platens have a built-in pair of ultrasonic transducers to allow the measurement of compressional- and shear-wave velocities during the uni-axial compression tests.
After completing the mechanical tests at different maximum stresses (i.e., 28, 55, 69, 97, and 110 MPa), a sieve analysis was conducted for each proppant pack.