中国石化新闻网讯 据TABNinfo网站6月6日圣彼得堡报道,《伊拉克商业新闻报》6日报道说,俄罗斯国有石油巨头俄罗斯石油公司(俄油)和伊拉克库尔德地区政府(KRG)日前签署了一系列合作协议,根据协议,双方将在油气勘探和生产、商业和物流领域进行合作。
李峻 编译自
原文如下: Rosneft, Kurdistan to expand strategic tie-up
June 06, 2017
St Petersburg
Russia’s Rosneft and the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) have signed a series of agreements on expanding their collaboration in exploration and production of hydrocarbons, commerce and logistics, a report said.
The documents were signed at the recently concluded St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, reported Iraq Business News.
The two sides signed an investment agreement to develop cooperation in exploration and production, agreed on monetization of the export oil pipeline in Iraqi Kurdistan, as well as entered into a number of production sharing agreements.
Rosneft will get access to the major regional transportation system with the throughput capacity of 700,000 barrels per day, which is planned to be expanded up to one million barrels per day by the end of 2017.