中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯6月6日伦敦报道,俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司(俄气)麾下的出口子公司俄罗斯天然气工业出口公司(俄气出口)首席执行官埃琳娜·布尔米斯特洛娃周二(6日)在莫斯科表示,俄气今年可能还会再举行一次向欧洲交付的天然气拍卖,而是否组织新一轮销售,将取决于其关键欧洲市场今年下半年对天然气是否有额外的需求。 布尔米斯特洛娃是在莫斯科举行的一次新闻发布会上发表上述讲话的。她说,俄气在向欧洲出口天然气方面已远超计划进度。布尔米斯特洛娃的此番表白意味着或许没必要举行今年的天然气拍卖。 俄气出口自2015年9月以来先后举行了三次天然气拍卖,其中两次拍卖的天然气交付给了德国和邻近的欧洲市场,而另外一次拍卖的天然气交付给了波罗的海地区。 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯
原文如下: Russia’s Gazprom cools on prospect of holding gas auction in 2017
London (Platts)–6 Jun 2017 Russia’s Gazprom may still hold a gas auction for delivery into Europe in 2017, but a decision on whether to organize a new sale would depend on whether there was additional demand for gas in its key European market later in the year, the head of the company’s export arm said Tuesday.
Speaking during a press conference in Moscow, Gazprom Export CEO Elena Burmistrova said the company was already well ahead of its schedule in terms of gas supplies to Europe, meaning an auction may not be necessary.
Gazprom Export has held three gas auctions since September 2015, two for gas deliveries to Germany and neighboring European markets, and one for delivery into the Baltic region.