

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社6月2日法兰克福报道,德国最大的能源供应商德国莱因集团(RWE)2日在法兰克福披露,根据去年签署的7年半协议,RWE上月底从卡塔尔液化天然气公司(Quatargas)收到了第一批液化天然气(LNG)货物。 RWE周五说,装载9.5万吨LNG的油轮上月底抵达位于鹿特丹的GATE终端。 RWE女发言人说,财务细节没有透露,而货物抵达和这条新闻公布之间的差距是RWE的内部过程的一个结果。 根据去年7月签署的合同,Qatargas将每年向拥有使用GATE终端长期合同的RWEST交付110万吨的LNG.。 李峻 编译自 路透社 原文如下: RWE Confirms Delivery Of First LNG From Qatargas Under Mid-Term Deal German utility RWE said it had received its first cargo of liquefied natural gas (LNG) from Qatargas late last month under a seven and a half year deal signed in 2016.
The 95,000 tonne shipment was made on the Q-Flex LNG tanker Al Karaana and delivered to the GATE terminal in Rotterdam, RWE said on Friday.
Financial details were not disclosed and the gap between the arrival of the cargo and publication of the news was as a result of RWE’s internal procedures, a spokeswoman said.
Under the contract signed last July, Qatargas will deliver up to 1.1 million tonnes of LNG per annum to RWEST, which has a long-term contract to use GATE.  
