

中国石化新闻网讯 据TABNinfo网站6月4日巴黎报道,德西尼布FMC公司和日本日挥株式会社和韩国三星重工(都是德西尼布FMC担任领导者的TJS国际财团中的合作伙伴)日前从莫桑比克的Coral浮式液化天然气(FLNG)公司获得了一份重要合同。 一份声明说,这份重要合同涉及Coral South FLNG设施及其相关立管和水下出气管系统的工程、采购、施工、安装、试运行和启动以及安装控制管缆和水下设备。 这个将停泊在位于莫桑比克海上区域4的2000米水深中FLNG设施将能年产340万吨液化天然气。 (德西尼布FMC是欧洲最大油田服务公司法国德西尼布公司与其美国同行FMC技术公司组成的合资公司。——译者注) 李峻 编译自 TABNinfo.com 原文如下: TechnipFMC wins Mozambique FLNG project ParisTechnipFMC, together with JGC Corporation and Samsung Heavy Industries (all partners in the TJS Consortium where TechnipFMC is leader), has been awarded a major contract by Coral FLNG SA in Mozambique.
It covers the engineering, procurement, construction, installation, commissioning and start-up (EPCIC) of the Coral South FLNG facility and its associated risers and subsea flowlines system, as well as the installation of the umbilicals and subsea equipment, said a statement.
The floating liquefied natural gas (FLNG) facility will be designed to produce close to 3.4 Mtpa of liquefied natural gas and will be moored in 2,000 m of water depth in the Area 4, offshore Mozambique.  
