中国石化新闻网讯 据OGJ网6月2日休斯敦报道。俄罗斯石油公司(俄油)和英国石油公司(BP)日前签署了一项有关在天然气项目以及向欧洲供应天然气事宜上进行战略合作的协议。 两家公司打算在俄罗斯国内外联合实施天然气项目,重点关注天然气勘探和生产、液化天然气生产、供应和市场营销。 俄油和BP还重新证实了他们在欧洲天然气市场营销中的合作。根据一项谅解备忘录,俄油和BP全资拥有的子公司BP天然气市场营销公司将签署一项在2019年开始向欧洲市场供应俄油生产天然气的长期协议。 BP俄罗斯分公司总裁戴维·坎贝尔说,天然气在BP投资组合中所占比例不断增加,在下个10年的年中前,天然气在BP产量中所占比例将从今天的大约50%增加到60%。 李峻 编译自 OGJ网站 原文如下: BP, Rosneft sign pacts for gas projects, European supply Rosneft PJSC and BP PLC have signed agreements for strategic cooperation on gas projects and for European gas supply. The two companies intend to jointly implement gas projects in Russia and abroad focused on gas exploration and production, LNG production, supply, and marketing. Rosneft and BP also reconfirmed their cooperation in European gas marketing. According to a memorandum of understanding, Rosneft’s and BP’s wholly owned subsidiary BP Gas Marketing Ltd. will enter a long-term agreement for supply of Rosneft-produced gas to European markets starting in 2019. David Campbell, president of BP Russia, said, “Gas is a growing proportion of BP’s portfolio, and, by the middle of the next decade, we expect around 60% of our production to be gas compared with around 50% today.”