中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯6月2日伦敦报道,市场消息人士2日表示,由于欧洲丙烯供应短缺导致该地区供应中断,欧盟时下正在寻求从美国进口丙烯。 与831.5欧元/吨(936.8美元/吨)FD西北欧相比,美国的丙烯价格1日被评估在37美分/加仑(815美元/吨FD)。运费固定在每吨大约90至100美元。 消息人士说,由欧洲裂解厂和炼油企业两方面问题造成的供应短缺已导致欧盟寻求从西面进口丙烯。这名消息人士补充说,欧洲5月底已从美国预订了两船丙烯货物。一名航运界消息人士说,其中一船丙烯货物是法国道达尔公司预订的。 道达尔公司5月24日说,在3周的罢工结束后,该公司的Feyzin裂解厂和炼油厂开始了重新启动的过程。然而,现在还不清楚比利时的安特卫普裂解厂在计划维修完成以后现在是否已重新启动。 在今年前3个月,欧盟进口了11.0204万吨丙烯,其中美国进口量为零。根据欧盟统计局的统计数据,欧洲主要从俄罗斯、塞尔维亚和巴西进口丙烯。 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: EU seeks US propylene imports amid supply shortages: sources The EU is looking at importing propylene from the US amid supply shortages in Europe resulting from outages in the region, market sources said Friday.
US prices were assessed at 37 cents/gal ($815/mt FD) Thursday, compared with Eur831.50/mt ($936.80/mt) FD Northwest Europe. Freight was pegged around $90-100/mt.
Shortages of supply due to issues at both crackers and refineries in Europe has led the EU to look to the west, sources said. Europe already booked two cargoes from the US at the end of May, the sources added. One of them was booked by Total, a shipping source said.
Total’s Feyzin refinery and cracker started the process of restarting following a three-week strike, the company said on May 24. While it was unclear whether the Antwerp cracker in Belgium has now restarted following a period of planned maintenance.
In the first three months of the year, the EU has imported 110,204 mt of propylene, out of which US imports were nil.
The main importers to Europe were Russia, Serbia and Brazil, according to Eurostat data.