

中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯6月1日消息,JBC能源在一份报告中表示,5月份包括赤道几内亚在内的欧佩克原油产量将比4月份增加约37万桶/天升至3250万桶/天。3月份和4月份欧佩克原油产量已经被小幅上调了16万桶/天,主要是因为尼日利亚和利比亚产量增加,不过同时安哥拉、阿尔及利亚和伊朗的产量被小幅下调。JBC能源补充道,5月份欧佩克11个成员国的减产协议遵守率为92%,略低于4月份,不过与过去五个月的平均水平持平。 唐绍红 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: OPEC Output Deal Compliance Slightly Lower in May JBC Energy says in a note that May OPEC crude production, including Equatorial Guinea, by some 370,000 barrels a day from a month earlier to 32.5 million b/d. March and April production levels were revised up by 160,000 barrels a day mainly due to Nigeria and Libya, while there were some smaller downwards revisions in Angola, Algeria, and Iran. May compliance of the OPEC-11 a bit lower than in April at 92%, which is in line with the average compliance over the first five months, it adds.  
