中国石化新闻网讯 据OGJ网站5月31日休斯敦报道,阿曼石油和天然气部日前把位于阿曼海上的第52号区块的勘探权授予了意大利能源巨头埃尼公司和负责阿曼能源投资的阿曼石油公司。 面积达9万平方公里的区块52位于阿曼海上水深10至2000米的海域,这个区域基本上没有被开发过,而两家公司是在去年10月份启动的一次国际招标以后获得区块52的勘探权的。 连同其区块52的勘探,埃尼公司与阿曼石油公司敲定了一项旨在进入阿曼上游的谅解备忘录。 李峻 编译自 OGJ 原文如下: Joint venture to explore Oman’s offshore Block 52 Oman’s Ministry of Oil and Gas has granted Eni SPA and Oman Oil Co. SAOC (OOC), the Sultanate’s energy investment arm, exploration rights for Block 52, a 90,000-sq-km area in 10-2,000 m of water offshore Oman. The area is largely unexplored, and was awarded following an international bid round launched in October 2016.
In conjunction with its Block 52 exploration, Eni finalized a memorandum of understanding with OOC to enter the Oman upstream.