

中国石化新闻网讯 据俄罗斯卫星新闻社6月1日莫斯科高尔基地区报道,俄罗斯能源部长诺瓦克周三说,俄罗斯的石油公司时下正在探索与沙特阿拉伯国家石油公司(沙特阿美)在30个不同领域的具体项目上的合作机会,尤其是探索在采矿业、油气勘探、石化工业发展和油田服务上的合作机会。 诺瓦克对采访他的媒体记者说:“我可以告诉你们,两国能源部长之间已经签署了一项在能源领域进行合作的协议。根据这项协议,双方将成立一个由两国能源部和公司的代表组成的工作组,工作组将定期开会来寻找发展的方法和合作的共同方向。我们已经确定了大约30个这样的方向。” 诺瓦克指出,俄罗斯和沙特阿拉伯可以在石化工业、可再生能源领域以及液化天然气技术方面启动联合项目。更具体的细节将在两国公司讨论所有与这些项目有关的问题以后对外宣布。 李峻 编译自 俄罗斯卫星新闻社 原文如下: Russian Oil Companies Discuss Cooperation With Saudi Arabia in 30 Various Fields Russian oil companies are exploring cooperation opportunities with Saudi Arabia on specific projects in 30 various fields, in particular, mining, exploration, development of the petrochemical industry, oilfield services, Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak said Wednesday. “I can say that we have signed an agreement between Russian and Saudi Arabian Ministries of Energy on cooperation in the energy field. Under this agreement, a working group comprising representatives of ministries and companies was set up and they regularly meet to find ways of development, joint directions of cooperation. We have identified about 30 such directions,” Novak told reporters. The minister pointed out that Russia and Saudi Arabia might launch joint projects in petrochemical industry, in the field of renewable energy and liquefied natural gas (LNG) technologies among others. According to the Russian energy minister, more specific details would be announced after the Russian and Saudi companies discuss all the issues concerning these projects.  
