

中国石化新闻网讯 据美国彭博新闻社5月23日休斯敦报道,作为特朗普总统向联邦政府在能源市场的角色建议的一系列变化的一部分,美国白宫计划削减国家债务,包括出售美国的一半紧急石油储备。 周一部分公布的特朗普的首个完整的预算提案将在2018财政年度内通过出售战略石油储备来筹集5亿美元资金以及在未来10年内从石油销售中筹集166亿美元资金。 这个提案还寻求通过允许在北极国家野生动物保护区内钻井来增加政府的收入,从而结束与美国墨西哥湾沿岸各州分享石油特许权使用费的做法并出售政府在西部拥有的电力输送线。像许多预算一样,这些举措很有可能会面临国会山的反对。 根据美国能源部网站,在德州和路易斯安那州指定地点的盐洞和储油库内目前储存着6.877亿桶战略石油储备,这允许美国在发生自然灾害或意外事故时快速配送战略石油储备。 李峻 编译自 美国彭博新闻社 原文如下: Trump Proposes Selling Off Half US Strategic Oil Reserve The White House plan to trim the national debt includes selling off half of the nation’s emergency oil stockpile, part of a broad series of changes proposed by President Donald Trump to the federal government’s role in energy markets. Trump’s first complete budget proposal, released in part on Monday, would raise $500 million in fiscal year 2018 by draining the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, and as much $16.6 billion in oil sales over the next decade. The proposal also seeks to boost government revenues by allowing drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, ending the practice of sharing oil royalties with states along the Gulf of Mexico and selling off government-owned electricity transmission lines in the West. Like much of the budget, those moves are likely to face opposition on Capitol Hill. The Strategic Petroleum Reserve currently holds 687.7 million barrels of oil in salt caverns and tanks at designated locations in Texas and Louisiana. That allows for quick distribution when natural disasters or unplanned accidents occur, according to the Energy Department website.  
