中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯5月24日消息,BMI研究公司表示,伊朗石油产量在经历了截止今年1月份的大约一年时间的加快增长后,已经达到稳定时期。当前伊朗需要新的外资才能实现石油产量的再次增长。BMI研究补充道,伊朗在维持其油田生产方面或将面临技术难题,因为此前受西方制裁的影响,伊朗油田经历了长时期的关闭。BMI表示,伊朗石油产量要实现长期的增长将取决于国际石油公司投资伊朗的承诺是否能够兑现。 唐绍红 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: Iran Needs Foreign Investments to Boost Oil Output Iran’s oil production has plateaued after accelerating for about a year to January. Now, new foreign investments are needed for its oil production to boom again, says BMI Research. It adds that the nation will likely face technical issues on maintaining its oil fields following a long period of shutdown when the nation faced sanctions from the West. Long-term growth in Iran’s oil production will hinge on binding commitments by international oil companies to invest in Iran, BMI says.