中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯5月24日消息,美国能源情报署(EIA)周三公布最新美国原油库存数据,为欧佩克达成减产协议以来的六个月内美国原油库存的变化情况提供了最终线索,周四欧佩克将开会决定是否延长该减产协议。当减产协议于去年11月底宣布时,美国原油库存为4.89亿桶。如今在六个月后,这一库存变成5.16亿桶,增长6%。因为市场可能会争论,仅仅是延长减产协议的实施期间,而不是同时加大减产幅度,可能无法解决供应过剩的问题。 唐绍红 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: US Oil Supplies Up 6% Since OPEC Deal Today’s EIA report on US oil inventories allows for a final snapshot of how stockpiles have changed during the six months since OPEC agreed to cut production, and as the group prepares to decide Thursday whether to extend that deal. When the initial deal was announced in late November, US stockpiles were 489M bbls. Now, exactly six months later, they’re at 516M bbls, a 6% increase. So, one could argue that merely extending the timeline of the cuts, rather than also deepening them, will prove futile in fixing the glut.