

中国石化新闻网讯 据PennEnergy网站5月19日休斯敦报道,欧佩克成员国去年获得了大约4330亿美元的净石油出口收入,这是2004年以来的最低水平。 以实际美元计算,欧佩克去年的净石油出口收入比2015年的5090亿美元下降了15%。导致欧佩克成员国去年净石油出口收入大幅下降的主要原因是平均年度原油价格下跌,而在较小程度上是由于欧佩克净石油出口量的减少。 基于对全球油价的预测以及美国能源信息署(EIA)在5月短期能源展望报告中对欧佩克生产水平的预测,EIA预计欧佩克今年的净石油出口收入将增加到5390亿美元。 2018年,由于预测原油价格上涨以及欧佩克更高产量和出口量导致整体收益增加,欧佩克的净石油出口收入预计将达到5950亿美元。 李峻 编译自 PennEnergy.com 原文如下: OPEC net oil revenues in 2016 were the lowest since 2004 Members of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) earned about $433 billion in net oil export revenues in 2016, the lowest since 2004. In real dollar terms, the 2016 revenue represents a 15% decline from the $509 billion earned in 2015, mainly because of the fall in average annual crude oil prices and, to a lesser extent, because of decreases in OPEC net oil exports. EIA projects that OPEC net oil export revenues will rise to about $539 billion dollars (nominal) in 2017, based on the forecast of global oil prices and OPEC production levels in EIA’s May 2017 Short-Term Energy Outlook (STEO).
For 2018, OPEC net oil export revenues are forecast to be $595 billion, with an increase in forecast crude oil prices and higher OPEC production and exports contributing to the rise in overall earnings.
