

中国石化新闻网讯 据油气在线休斯敦5月18日消息,印尼国家石油公司Pertamina表示,公司预计在2020年完成先前宣布的位于印尼东加里曼丹Balikpapan的26万桶/天加工能力的炼油厂的升级和现代化改造项目(RDMP)的第一阶段工作。 印尼国油炼油和石化业务负责人Rachmad Hardadi表示, Balikpapan炼油厂RDMP项目第一阶段工作原计划在2019年完成,这一阶段的主要目标是将炼油厂的原油加工能力从26万桶/天提高至36万桶/天,以及生产符合欧2质量标准的燃料,当前计划在2020年2月完成。 庞晓华摘译自 油气在线 原文如下: Pertamina advances revamp of Balikpapan refinery PT Pertamina (Persero) said it expects to complete the first phase of its previously announced project to upgrade and modernize the 260,000-b/d refinery in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan, Indonesia, in 2020. Previously due to be completed in 2019, Balikpapan’s RDMP Phase 1—which will increase the refinery’s crude processing capacity to 360,000 b/d from 260,000 b/d as well as enable production of fuels that conform to Euro 2-quality specifications—currently is scheduled for completion in February 2020, said Rachmad Hardadi, Pertamina’s director of refining and petrochemicals.
