

中国石化新闻网讯 据油气在线休斯敦5月18日消息,据美国石油学会(API)的数据显示,4月份美国石油交付总量达到日均1960万桶,比去年同期增加1.7%,创下过去9年来同期的最高水平。 与今年3月份相比,4月份美国石油交付量下降了0.3%。今年1-4月份,美国石油交付量同比小幅增加0.1%达到1940万桶/天。 4月份美国汽油交付量环比和同比均出现增长,但是今年1-4月的交付量同比下降。4月份美国总的车用汽油交付量同比增加0.6%达到近930万桶/天,创下历史同期最高水平。与今年3月份相比,4月份的交付量增加了0.4%。 庞晓华摘译自 油气在线 原文如下: API: US petroleum demand highest for April since 2008 According to data from the American Petroleum Institute, total US petroleum deliveries in April averaged 19.6 million b/d, up 1.7% from April 2016. These were the highest April deliveries in 9 years. Compared with March, total US petroleum deliveries decreased 0.3%. For year-to-date (YTD), total US petroleum deliveries edged up slightly 0.1% compared with the same period last year to average 19.4 million b/d. Gasoline deliveries in April were up from the prior month and the prior year, but down from the prior YTD. Total motor gasoline deliveries, moved up 0.6% from April 2016 to average nearly 9.3 million b/d—the highest April deliveries on record. Compared with March, total motor gasoline deliveries increased 0.4%.
